Our mission is to sustainably power the Fourth Industrial Revolution sustainably

Alquimista owns the complete vertical supply chain from mining to retail. Our closed-loop business model allows us to disrupt the global supply chain and power industry 4.0. Our success will drive the onshoring of jobs, national security, and a carbon-reduced future.

Restore the Platinum Group Metal supply chain to the United States of America

Alquimista is fiercely dedicated to the preservation of critical domestic infrastructure for national security. Our facility is the sole PGM refinery in the United States.

Whilst always being centered around Social Good

Our philosophy is that wherever we operate and do business, the local communities surrounding Alquimista must also benefit and grow as we scale. We’ve centered our company values around this philosophy. We strive to empower local communities with education and access to the Internet.

Alquimista is committed to powering Industry 4.0 through our closed-loop business model.